
Connect is currently tested with Python 3.4 and Django 1.7 & 1.8.


You will need to have the following installed:

  • Python 3
  • pip
  • virtualenv-wrapper
  • PostgreSQL (although sqlite can be used on dev machines)

You may also need to install libyaml:

# On Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev

# Or Fedora
$ sudo yum install libyaml-devel

Next setup your virtualenv with:

$ mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 connect
$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Postgres setup

Postgres is not required for local development, but it can be a good idea – running tests against the same database as production can sometimes pick up edge case bugs early.

If you’re setting up a staging, production, or CI server, postgres is strongly recommended. Install it with sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4 or similar, and then set up a database for the connect app:

$ createdb connectdb
$ createuser -P connectuser   # note password chosen
$ psql

=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE connectdb TO connectuser;
=# ALTER USER connectuser CREATEDB;

=# \l # Check database access permissions
=# \q # (or Ctrl-D) Exit from psql

(You can substitute connectdb and connectuser as you wish, you will just need to reflect that in the DATABASE_URL you set below.)

Environment variables

A fully configured connect instance requires the following environment variables:

  • DATABASE_URL – db config syntax: "postgres://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DB-NAME"
  • SECRET_KEY – this should not be stored in your repository.
  • ALLOWED_HOSTS – required when DEBUG=False, so for staging/ci/prod.
  • DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL – the from address for in-app emails
  • MANDRILL_API_KEY – Mandrill is recommend for sending emails from the server
  • DJANGO_MODE – outside dev, set this to “Production” or “Staging”

All of these have working defaults in dev, but if you want to override any of them (eg to use postgres), you can set them like this:

export DATABASE_URL="postgres://connectuser:<password>@localhost:5432/connectdb"
export SECRET_KEY="a long string of random characters"
#... etc


A good place to set them is in the postactivate virtualenv hook, which will be somewhere like ~/.virtualenvs/connect/bin/postactivate. For neatness, unset them in the predeactivate virtualenv hook too:

#... etc

Initial database setup

First sync the database:

$ python migrate

Then create a superuser:

$ python createsuperuser

Now you can run your local sever:

$ python runserver

And you’ll be able to open up the development site in your web browser at http://localhost:8000/


Now that your site is up and running, you will need to login to the admin and:

  1. Set is_moderator to True for your superuser.
  2. Set up some additional data in your database. (See Site Configuration for more information.)

Running Tests

$ python test #to test the entire project.
$ python test connect/appname #to test a specific django app

To run Connect’s Behave tests, you will need to have PhantomJS installed.

$ npm install phantomjs

Run the BDD tests with:

$ python test bdd

To run an individual test feature, use

$ npm install phantomjs
$ python test bdd --behave_include featurename

Alternatively you can use any other supported browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox) by installing it on your system and specifying it when you run your tests:

$ python test bdd --behave_browser <browser>

Editing SCSS files (style)

Connect is built with Sass and Compass.

To use them you will also need ruby - the installation process for this is beyond the scope of these instructions. Please refer to the Saas and Compass documentation for more information.

To compile your SCSS into CSS, use:

compass compile connect/static/css # where final argument is a path to the css folder

Or you can automatically update your changes with:

compass watch connect/static/css # where final argument is a path to the css folder

Example: Changing the highlighting color

You can change the default pink highlight color by editing the $highlight variable at the top of static/css/sass/_color.scss

Additional configuration

In, you may also wish to override:

  • Admins
  • Timezone
  • Gravatar Settings